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Tate Linden
5 min read
Making Impossible Behavior Change Inevitable
Way back in the twenty-teens Iowa had a problem. The state’s roads and bridges were crumbling and unsafe, but no funds were available to...

Tate Linden
9 min read
Embracing Stokefire's Fifth Wobbling Value
We've made it to the end! Stokefire's fifth and final value is: "Embrace the Wobble" Embracing the wobble means a couple different things...

Tate Linden
4 min read
Connecting to Stokefire's 4th Core Value
Hey folks! I’m back with Stokefire’s fourth core value: Stay Connected. (If you haven’t read the first three values I recommend that you...

Tate Linden
3 min read
Stokefire’s third value: Be Accountable
I’ll admit it. As a life-long ADHD-haver, some aspects of accountability have always been challenging for me. I can absolutely relate to...

Britni Eisenmann
17 min read
Myth: Your Organizational Values Can't Hurt you
This is a myth we are quick to bust for our clients. In business school and in leadership development training, we are taught that values...

Tate Linden
4 min read
Be Authentic: Stokefire's 2nd Core Value
Welcome to the second installment of the five-part stream-of-consciousness blog series on Stokefire’s core values. You may want to read...

Tate Linden
6 min read
Our Organizational Values Start With Jobs
But not in the way you think. First though, let me make it clear that we believe values matter. Personal ones. Organizational ones. All...
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